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Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®

Tau Zeta Omega Chapter

Serving Our Community Since 1992


In December 1990, Frances Cunningham began contacting local members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. regarding their interest in establishing a graduate chapter in the Webster area. On February 19, 1991 a meeting was held at 1300 Bay Area Boulevard where the group began the process of preparing an application to form a chapter. This group of sixteen Alpha Kappa Alpha members formed the Graduate Interest Group and began contacting other members who shared their same goals.

The Graduate Interest Group soon adopted the name “Ladies of the Lake” with Pearlie Hayes serving as President; Argentina James, Vice President of Membership/Advertising; Jeanette Elias, Vice President of Programs; Kimberly Tolbert, Secretary; Cherie Singleton, Corresponding Secretary; Angela Dotson, Treasurer; Jacqueline Mayo, Financial Recorder; and Gwendolyn Burns, Historian. During the next six months the “Ladies of the Lake” began addressing national programs and establishing bylaws for the new graduate chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha.

In August 1991 the “Ladies of the Lake” presented a luncheon which was attended by Jacqueline Dansby-Edwards, South Central Regional Director. During the luncheon Fraline Castillo, a Biology/Pre-Med student studying at Texas Southern University, was awarded a scholarship.

Tau Zeta Omega was chartered on Saturday, January 18, 1992 with eighteen ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha becoming charter members. The chartering ceremony was held at Landry’s at Jimmy Walker’s in Kemah, Texas followed by a lovely reception. The charter members are Donna Anderson, Georgia Arrington, Marie Bogan, Gwendolyn Burns, Frances Cunningham, Erica Daniel, Angela Dotson, Jeanette Elias, Pearlie Hayes, Mitzi Hobdy, Arliana Humphrey, Dorothy Hutchinson, Argentina James, Deborah King, Jacqueline Mayo, Sheherazade Perkins, Cherie Singleton, and Kimberly Tolbert.

The first official meeting for Tau Zeta Omega was held with Jacqueline Dansby-Edwards in attendance, and the following officers were elected: Pearlie Hayes, President; Argentina James, Vice-President; Erica Daniel, Recording Secretary; Kimberly Tolbert, Assistant Recording Secretary; Arliana Humphrey, Corresponding Secretary; Jacqueline Mayo, Treasurer; Cherie Singleton, Ivy Leaf Reporter; and Dorothy Hutchinson, Sergeant-at-Arms. 


Donna Anderson
Georgia Arrington
Marie Bogan
Gwendolyn Burns
Frances Cunningham
Erica Daniel
Angela Dotson
Jeanette Elias
Pearlie Hayes
Mitzi Hobdy
Arliana Humphrey
Dorothy Hutchinson
Argentina James
Deborah King
Jacqueline Mayo
Sheherazade Perkins
Cherie Singleton
Kimberly Tolbert



Pearlie Hayes 1992

Argentina James^ 1993-1997

Karen Nunn^ 1998-2001

Noreen Khan-Mayberry^ 2002-2005

Tika Hampton 2006-2007

Frances Cunningham-Morris^ 2008-2011

Veronica Fahm^ 2012-2015

Tondra Allen^ 2016-2019

Jocelyn Gilmore 2020-2021

 Latasia Turner Williamson 2022-2023

^Served Twice

    Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® is not responsible for the design or content of these web pages. They are the sole property and responsibility of the Tau Zeta Omega Chapter who hosts and maintains this website. 

    Copyright © 2024 Official Site of Tau Zeta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®

    P.O. Box 58592, Webster, TX 77598

    Site Last Updated: 24 February 2024

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